Stephanie with fellow awardees and IdEEA President, Dirk Anderson.

We are delighted to announce that our founder and director, Stephanie Day, received the honor of a 2019 Environmental Educator Award at the 19th Annual Idaho Environmental Education Conference. The conference is hosted annually by the Idaho Environmental Education Association (IdEEA) and awards are given in four categories: Elementary Educator of the Year, Secondary Educator of the Year, Non-formal Educator of the Year, and Volunteer Educator of the Year.

Stephanie received this honor after being nominated by numerous co-workers, board members, and Roots families and supporters. Awardees are those who show creative and innovative approaches to environmental education programming, integrate with formal education systems, and make continuous and enduring contributions to environmental education.

Nominators said Stephanie “impressed [them] with her thoughtful and practical approach to realizing the vision of nature-based education for all”, works “to incorporate place-based education that is seasonal, dynamic, and student-led”, and “is a visionary teacher/administrator, community leader, and a true gift to the McCall community.” One nomination summed up the great work Stephanie has done for Roots, growing the school and “not only serving children and families in McCall, but acting as an exemplary model for future forest schools in Idaho and the United States.”

Here in McCall, Stephanie has made an enormous contribution to the community with the creation of Roots Forest School and has continued to work to spread this impact. We are impressed daily by Stephanie’s dedication to the children and mission of Roots. She works tirelessly to create and implement creative lessons and to respond to the needs of her students. Additionally, her partnerships with Barbara Morgan and Donnelly Elementary Schools have helped to get older students outside and practicing inquiry in the natural world. Stephanie’s vision of Roots as a community as well as a school has been realized in these partnerships and family and community events.

In her role as Director of Roots Forest School, Stephanie has also nurtured a team of employees and co-workers, offering opportunities for growth and professional development as well as admirable leadership. We are delighted that Stephanie has been acknowledged by the Idaho Environmental Education Association and hope that this inspires others in the field to pursue their passion as she has.