
Learn about our preschool classes.

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Drop-Off Classes


Our preschool students spend their class time in both our forest classroom and on group hikes around Ponderosa Park. Whatever the venue, children at Roots learn through self-directed inquiry. With teachers as their guides, children have the time, space, and materials to find the answers to important questions that help them understand the world. When in the forest classroom, children are given time each day to engage in constructive play as they work in  the mud kitchen, building site, nature playground, and science center. They learn to work cooperatively, negotiate, and problem solve as they participate in activities of their choice with their peers. We maintain a 1:6 teacher to student ratio.

Parent-Toddler Classes


This class is designed for toddlers from 18 months to 3 years old, and to be accompanied by a caregiver. We meet once a week for 75 minutes. Parents and toddlers learn, play, and grow together through movement, singing, stories, art, and exploration of the forests.


18 Months – 3 Years

Tuesday or Friday
10:45am – Noon
($60 per month)

Douglas Firs

3 – 4 year olds

Tuesday & Thursday
9:00am – Noon
($305 per month)


3 – 4 year olds

Monday & Wednesday
9:00am – Noon
($305 per month)


4 – 5 Year Olds

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
1pm – 4pm
($380 per month)

Ponderosa Pines

4 – 5 Year Olds

Monday, Wednesday and Friday
9:00am – Noon
($380 per month)


Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is currently full.

Financial assistance available for all classes.

Roots Forest School Logo

“Our son, has been attending Roots for several years and its impact on his development is apparent. At 4 years old he demonstrates effective skills in cooperating with others, exploring and understanding connections in the natural world, and taking care of his needs in all seasons and types of weather. Perhaps, the best indicator of the effectiveness of the Roots program is his attitude. He is already asking when he gets to start the next season of Roots and if he had it his way, he would go to Roots every day. Roots curriculum and its incredible instructors provide him with an outstanding developmental experience.” 

Gary Thompson, Leadership Coordinator, U of I College of Natural Sciences, parent of a current student and alumni student

Roots Forest School

PO Box 2003
McCall, ID 83638

(208) 315-0925
